Free Weekly Walks
Building Community
in the Outdoors
In our small Adirondack town, community is important. That’s why we started our Free Weekly Walks. From May to October, we meet at the same trailhead every week. Together, we walk through the woods or up a mountain. The duration of the walk often varies. Some days we stop to identify fungi, trees, and flowers. Other times the group chats as we walk with few breaks. Each week we have a unique experience on the trail and we enjoy the changing seasons and weather. Join us to meet new people, clear your head, and enjoy this incredible protected land.
Hike Information
If you’re interested in attending, email us to find out the trail, day, and time selected for the year. These factors will stay consistent throughout the year to ensure stable attendance.
This event is free and suitable for folks with average fitness levels. Bring sturdy shoes, water, and a light snack. Registration is required, group sizes are limited.